Out research team is working for wind-related disaster mitigation caused by tropical cyclones, tornadoes and other wind-borne phenomena. Our mission is to contribute society by generating knowledge useful for disaster mitigation and encouraging actions for it.
Main research objectives are: (1) to understand wind characteristics around buildings under various wind conditions, dynamic responses of structures subject to gusty wind, and physical mechanisms that lead to failures of structural and non-structural components as well as structural failures; (2) to assess impacts of wind-related damages to buildings and society, and to propose effective disaster mitigation measures.
The first objective is approached by wind engineering perspective. The approach consists of field observations, wind tunnel experiments, material tests, impact experiments and numerical simulations.
The second objective is approached from the perspective of risk management and decision analysis. It starts with damage surveys and comprises of development of methodology and models.
Besides these objectives we also work for use of wind as societal resources.
Our research team comprises of experts on wind engineering – both experiments and simulations – and decision analysis. This makes it possible for us to seamlessly conduct research and provide consulting services related to wind-related disasters and wind environment development.